When you establish a Business, having a surplus fund is critical to managing it without any hiccups. But often Small & Medium Businesses face cash-crunch & struggle to manage daily Business operations. Fortunately, multiple Financial options are available for such Businesses. In this blog, we are going to discuss Over Draft facility. Understanding Overdraft Facility […]
Funding is a crucial aspect of any Business. A constant cash-flow and finance are vital for the establishment and smooth operation of any Business. But at the initial stage, almost every Business struggles to find a reliable funding source. Especially the entrepreneurs & Micro & Small Business owners face this issue. As their Business ideas […]
We discussed what the Working Capital Loans and types of Working capital loans are in the previous blog. Now in this blog, we will be discussing the benefits of Working Capital Loans and the criteria to avail them. But first, if you have not read our previous blog about Working Capital Loans, we would recommend […]
Indian exports are proliferating every year. The contribution of exports in India’s GDP is rising continuously. To assist these exporters and ensure the payment guarantees to them, multiple International Banks offer the Letter of Credit facility. If you are into the Import/Export business, you might know something about the Letter of Credit. If you don’t, […]
As the Indian population is rising constantly, it is becoming difficult to offer suitable employment to all. Even after the liberalization of 1992, India has largely remain an outsourcing hub for IT services. Although the growth story has been good, to say the least, it’s not enough. There is a dire need for revamping India’s […]
Finance Minister Sitaraman recently introduced the Budget for the F.Y. 20-21 in the Loksabha. Touted as a “once in a hundred-year” budget, ordinary people, mostly the middle-class, had many expectations from this Budget. As the economy is still emerging from the last year’s massive disruption due to Coronavirus, an all-inclusive budget was vital for reviving […]
In the recently announced Budget, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman introduced multiple changes in GS. These changes are aimed to boost MSME sector that took a massive hit during the Pandemic. Even before the Budget, there were wide speculations of a “one-in-a-hundred-year” budget. So what does this Budget mean for your Business? What changes were introduced […]
As the Union Minister did away with the traditional Bahi-Khata and presented the Union budget 2021 in a Digital format, the indications were clear. The Government is pushing for more Digitization. Moreover, the Budget focuses on reviving the hammered economy due to COVID & Job Creation. The Government is willing to spend more on the […]
There are multiple ways to optimize tax in our legal system. Utilizing such ways can help you save a lot of income tax on your part. One such way is to create a HUF. In this blog, I will explain to you about what is a HUF, how you can establish a HUF and the […]